reserve a painting

Am I currently working on an artwork that you love?

If you have seen an in-progress artwork that you have fallen in love with,
you have the option to reserve the original painting.

How it works

By using the contact form below, let me know which artwork has taken your interest.

You will be informed if the artwork is currently available, and then be given the price for the finished artwork (prices are based off size per square inch).

Should you choose to continue, you will be asked to leave a 50% deposit on the artwork, securing the original piece for yourself!

Once the artwork is completed you will be directed to use the online store to process the remaining 50% and packing and shipping will begin.

Deposits are refundable should you change your mind, and there is no obligation to reserve. If you’d simply like to know a bit more about the artwork I’m working on please send me a message and I’d be happy to chat about it.